Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Second Place Again! Happy Dance!

One advantage to being in Alaska is if something is going to be posted at midnight Eastern time, I get to see it at 8 pm. Of course the flip side is that a deadline in Eastern time is four hours earlier for me.

Just saw the June Jinxes edition of SNM Horror Magazine is up and I got second place for the second month in a row! Woohoo! Link is posted in the side bar. Please enjoy the stories you read on there, and also please stop in and sign the guestbook so that the Overlord will be happy! My story will be in the anthology.

So now I'm wondering if third time really is the charm. :)


Anonymous said...

Nicely done. And anthology? Cooooooool! Also, congrats on your May Marionette WIN!

Joe Romel said...

Congradumalations! I've always wanted to sub there, but never had anything sufficiently dark enough. Oh, and congrats on the May Marionette win!

Simon Kewin said...

Yep, many congrats on that and on the W1S1 May Marionette!

Shelley said...

Congratulations on meeting your May goals, and all your publication successes! I remember the last story of yours I read in SNM--creepy--so I'm looking forward to this new one.

I had a story in a recent Pill Hill anthology, and I was thrilled when my copy arrived. Really nice-looking volume. The cover art on yours is really awesome, too.

You're really burning it up lately--way to go!

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