Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Watch your backs, California!

Logannie-poo is headed your way!

Logan is going to visit his family for a bit. It's a good time for him to go, job-wise. I can't go back until after the show is over, so I've booked a flight for February 21. That's a Saturday and I'll stay until Friday, the 27th.

Rehearsals are getting better and better. I kind of wish we had one more week of rehearsals rather than one more night. But then, that's because I don't want the show to end. I'm having too much fun, I love the people I'm working with, and I don't want to drift apart when the show is over.

Sigh. Going to bed to dream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sigh. I remember when theater used to be like that.